You can watch the recording of a recent CODEPINK webinar here. In the webinar we learn from the Qiao Collective- why in this moment they came together and why it so important, now more than ever, to dismantle the aggression and hate towards China. We hope to explore the ways in which we can approach the anti-China rhetoric, disarm it, and take the offensive for peace. #ChinaIsNotOurEnemy If you want to learn more about upcoming webinars when they happen, subscribe to our Youtube page here.

Watch the recording: A discussion with CODEPINK Co-Founder Jodie Evans and the Qiao Collective about why #ChinaisNotOurEnemy. In the webinar we learn from the Qiao Collective- why in this moment they came together and why it so important, now more than ever, to dismantle the aggression and hate towards China. If you want to learn more about upcoming webinars when they happen, subscribe to our Youtube page here.

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