Endless wars since 2001 have caused death and destruction across the Middle East. Initiated after the 9/11 attacks, these wars have not ended terrorism.  Instead they have fueled the rise of ever more virulent conflict. The costs in blood, human suffering, and destruction of ancient cities are incalculable.  Trillions of dollars have been spent, but have brought nothing but destruction. Across the globe, our government continues to make reckless threats to overthrow the leaders of other nations, to use nuclear weapons, and to wage new conventional wars.

The U.S. maintains over 800 military bases outside its territory, estimated at 95% of all foreign military bases in the world. These bases are viewed by people around the world as a major threat to world peace. Our foreign military bases are instruments of global domination carried out through wars of aggression and occupation. The U.S. has undermined governments, including democracies; killed millions, causing the mass migration of people fleeing violence and destruction; and produced vast environmental damage. The U.S. military and its far-flung operations are the single largest consumers of fossil fuel in the world, recklessly driving climate change.

The idea that we can solve our problems through force also sustains a culture of violence that has led to a society that has more guns than people. Increasingly, weapons designed for the battlefield are playing a part in one-sided political warfare at home, stoked by political rhetoric that portrays millions of ordinary people as “enemies.”

Our government’s actions abroad are shaped to serve the interests of energy multinationals and the military-industrial complex.  It is time to leave the road of endless war and to move towards a foreign policy that furthers global peace, and with it, real security for the American people.

Humanity faces unprecedented ecological challenges to its survival. We can no longer afford to fight among ourselves. We must unite against those who risk the destruction of all to serve the ends of a privileged few.

 Our Demands to the 2020 Presidential Candidates

End the Endless Wars; Don’t Start New Wars

UFPJ calls on all Presidential candidates to commit to end the wars, to cease provocative and unlawful threats of military action, to demilitarize U.S. foreign policy, and to reorient our policies towards diplomacy and humanitarian assistance.

Abolish Nuclear Weapons

UFPJ calls on all Presidential candidates to pledge to lead a global effort to prevent nuclear war by renouncing the option of using nuclear weapons first; ending the sole, unchecked authority of any president to launch a nuclear attack; taking U.S. nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert; cancelling the U.S. plan to replace its entire arsenal with new or upgraded weapons; and actively pursuing a verifiable agreement among nuclear armed states to eliminate their nuclear arsenals.

Cut the Pentagon Budget, Fund our Communities, and Mitigate the Climate Emergency

UFPJ calls on all Presidential candidates to pledge to reverse spending priorities and to redirect funds currently allocated to nuclear weapons and unwarranted military spending to support safe and resilient cities; to mitigate climate change; to create jobs by rebuilding our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, and to ensure basic human services for all, including education, environmental protection, food security, housing and health care.

Close the 800+ U.S. Military Bases Across the Globe

UFPJ calls on all Presidential candidates to close U.S. foreign bases in order to promote a just, peaceful and sustainable world.


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