Los Angeles, will you join us in sending a message to Mayor Garcetti that it’s time to divest L.A. from the war machine?

Mayor Eric Garcetti became a leading voice on environmental justice in 2019 when he helped pass a Green New Deal for Los Angeles. The ambitious plan demonstrates Mayor Garcetti’s commitment to building a green economy for all Angelenos. It’s surprising, then, that Los Angeles has not yet made a commitment to divesting all public funds from weapons manufacturers, some of the world’s largest polluters which exacerbate the worst effects of climate change. 

War is not green! Join us in calling on Eric Garcetti to divest all public funds from weapons manufacturers. We believe it’s outrageous for the city’s investments to make a killing on killing when public dollars should be used for public good. We know it’s possible to support each other without doing harm to others in the process. Mayor Garcetti should begin working with the City Council to divest L.A. from weapons manufacturers.

Tell Mayor Garcetti to divest Los Angeles from the war machine!

Too many cities, pension funds, and universities invest our public dollars in weapons companies that literally make a killing on killing and profit by exacerbating the worst effects of climate change for some of the most vulnerable populations around the world. Enough is enough! We’re pulling our money out of these war profiteers and putting it to use in our communities where it’s sorely needed. Let Mayor Garcetti know it’s time to divest L.A.!

Towards a weapons-free future,

 Maya from CODEPINK and the UFPJ Coordinating Committee

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