Another war with North Korea would be disastrous. It could easily go nuclear. It should be unthinkable. For South Korea, which would bear the brunt of any conflict, there is NO military option. As 58 retired US military leaders acknowledged in a letter to Trump, military action “would result in hundreds of thousands of casualties.” The people of Korea—North and South—the peoples of the region, and Americans ALL want peace.

On a very encouraging note, in November 2017, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for an “Olympic Truce,” a cessation of hostilities during the Winter Games, which gained the support of 157 Member States including both Koreas and future hosts of the Olympic Games: Japan, China, France and the United States.

We in the United States have a special responsibility to demand diplomacy, not war, with North Korea. The Korea Collaboration, an ad hoc network, is calling for weeks of action during the Winter Olympics (February 9 – 25), the Paralympics (March 9 – 18), and the broader period of the Olympic Truce (February 2 to March 25). UFPJ is asking all our member groups and individuals to organize actions in your communities.

The Olympic Truce represents an important opportunity to defuse tensions and begin the work of reconciliation on the Korean peninsula. The United States should fully support both Korean governments’ efforts to restore a peace process. In a very significant development, South Korean President Moon Jae-in has successfully persuaded a reluctant Donald Trump to postpone U.S.-South Korea war drills that would have coincided with the Olympics.

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