Dear UFPJ Activist,

You appreciate that America’s strength lies in our diversity and that is why UFPJ organized our new Confronting Islamophobia Working Group. The group brings together Muslim-American activists, labor organizers, anti-violence trainers, and community organizers who are developing tools and programs to organize against violence and hate crimes directed against Muslims and Muslim communities in the U.S. The group will organize opposition to any and all efforts to resurrect a “Muslim Registry,” re-create Congressional committees on “un-American activities,” or targeting Muslims in the U.S. with surveillance. We hope you will donate now to support vital work.

The months ahead will require determined opposition to bigotry, racism and hatred. You can learn more about UFPJ’s future plans in our 2016 Annual Report.
Donate to UFPJ
UFPJ currently has one part-time communications and outreach coordinator – a major goal for 2017 is to bring on a second organizer to support our work to confront Islamophobia at home and end the endless wars abroad.  Your support will move us closer to that goal.

There is no peace without justice!  This work goes to the heart of the struggle we have been engaged in these many years. Please contribute as you are able –thank you!

The UFPJ Coordinating Committee

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