Join the Global Day of Action to end the war in Yemen, January 25, 2021, which has killed 250,000 people and created what the UN has pronounced “the worst humanitarian crisis anywhere in the world.” This protest is timed to take place just days after the inauguration of Joe Biden, who has promised to end US support for the war. We must hold him to his word. While a coalition led by Saudi Arabia is carrying out the airstrikes and blockade have cause the majority of civilian casualties, destroyed essential infrastructure including hospitals, and crippled Yemen’s economy, the US has maintained unquestioning support for Saudi Arabia since the war began. The support must end! Call your representative now and demand an end to weapons sale to Saudi Arabia—use CODEPINK’s script to make your demands. Join the Global Online Rally—January 25, 2PM EST, 11AM PST—featuring Yemini spokespeople, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Danny Glover, and Cornel West. Register here.

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