There is one thing worse than a “do-nothing” Congress, and that’s a Congress that actively promotes militarism and war.

This week the House of Representatives will be voting on two dangerous bills:

Representative Cantor  (R-VA), with the support of some Democrats, will introduce legislation calling for increased sanctions on Iran and zero enrichment of uranium. This bill could totally derail on-going negotiations, make a final deal impossible, and put us on a path to war. Its aim is in fact to undermine a diplomatic solution.

Also this week, the House will be voting on a final version of the 2014 National Defense Authorization Bill. This measure includes $80.7 billion to continue the war in Afghanistan, on top of a $552.1 billion base budget for the Pentagon. Coming at a time, when we are experiencing cuts in food stamps, public housing, Head Start and a host of federal programs that our people urgently need – this bill is outrageous!

Please call your Representative today on the Capitol Switchboard

1-855-686-6927 with two messages:

  • I strongly urge you to vote against Rep. Cantor’s legislation on Iran, which would tie the hands of our negotiators and prevent a diplomatic solution.
  • I strongly urge you to vote against the 2014 Defense Authorization Act, which continues the war in Afghanistan and squanders billions of dollars on wasteful weapons systems at a time when we are not adequately funding the urgent needs of our people.

Call Today! Then Ask Your Friends and Family to Join in this Vital Effort.

Capitol Switchboard 1-855-686-6927

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