The Coalition on Human Needs’ (CHN) — SAVE for All (Strengthening America’s Values and Economy for All Campaign, is organized around the following 4 principles:

— Protecting low- and moderate-income people in budget and deficit reduction proposals.
— Preventing multi-year appropriations caps that force harsh reductions in domestic/human needs services and other beneficial programs.
— Preventing restrictive structural changes to essential programs like Medicare and Medicaid.
— Balancing spending cuts needed to address the debt with progressive sources of revenue.

On October 9, CHN sent a letter signed by 1900 national and grassroots organizations, representing millions of people, to each Senator and House Member. The link this excellent letter and signers can be found here []. We hope you will share it widely, and let your elected officials know that you support it.

…Putting the most vulnerable people at risk is the wrong response to our nation’s fiscal situation.  Automatic cuts to domestic programs that are scheduled to take effect in January 2013 under the sequestration provisions of the Budget Control Act will inflict devastating harm….

…The military also faces cuts under sequestration.  To be sure, making automatic, across-the-board cuts is not the right way to target wasteful military spending. However, if sequestration were to take effect in 2013 and its cut levels continued annually, the Pentagon budget in 2021 would still have more funds in real terms than it had at the Cold War’s height.  Military experts and bipartisan leaders, including members of the Bowles-Simpson deficit commission, have identified ways to achieve substantial and responsible savings in the Pentagon budget, while still keeping our service men and women safe, protecting our security, and maintaining our commitments to veterans.  They have recommended cuts over the next decade well beyond those enacted through spending caps. We urge you to reject calls to spare the Pentagon by cutting domestic priorities that threaten our people’s security….

Now is the time to blend our movements into a strong, collective call for human needs NOT war and militarism!

Read the Press Release:
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